In part 1, I broke down the 3 moving parts of a belief and I promised to share more about how this impacts your experience with fitness, exercise or physical performance. Samarobie
So, here I am, delivering on that promise. I want to dive into the first moving part I talked about. Where are you right now in your health and fitness? Radykobiety
Or… if your an athlete, where are you in your performance level?
Are you as fit as you would like to be?
Are you burning the fat that you’re striving to rid yourself of?
Are you gaining strength and muscle mass your working out hard for? Domwpraktyce
Are you upping your game and making leaps in your performance at your sport?
If you answered no to any of these questions (or the ones relevant to you), then you have more than likely reached a plateau. Kosmetykipanidomu A plateau is often a point of diminishing return like is often experienced in many strength training regimes, which is often resolved with a change in workout, but this is not the type of plateau I’m referring to.
This is a belief plateau. Whereby what needs to change is what you see to be true and how you feel about your experience, possibilities and yourself. Babazaklawiatura If your exercising, working out or training towards a certain goal but you’ve stopped getting progress for a long time, then you may have reached your thermostatic point. The point that you feel comfortable at (but not necessarily satisfied with).
And if you’ve been struggling to make progress for a while, then the one thing holding you back is a belief or two about your ability, potential or worthiness. Kobietabezgranic
If you know what those beliefs are, as I stated in part 1, its valuable to know what gives those beliefs their strength. What are the references that make you feel that the belief that’s holding you back is true? These references come in the form of past experiences, memories and lessons you may have been taught. The more of these there are, the stronger the belief. Wnetrzedozmiany Say you have a belief that says, “I just can’t build muscle because I’m really skinny and I always have been.”
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